Absolute Solver VRChat Prefab (PC + QUEST) [Murder Drones]
Fully functional solver with color toggles, different modes, a trail, and gesture controls.
Disclaimer: Only works on the right hand.
Features include:
- Ability to summon and shoot nulls, knives, and even some code.
- Ability to point the solver and draw a trail on the air.
- Ability to live swap between 3 colors and modes for the solver.
- Ability to hide the solver on your hand but still use its abilities.
- A README File which contains documentation about all parameters / controllers for help when editing the prefab.
Free version:
Only includes the base mode which can only fire nulls, you can watch this video to see all that it can do.
Must have VRCFury installed on your scene, this prefab was only tested on 2022 avatar projects.
Full Prefab Specs:
20 synced bits, 6652 triangles, 1 physbone component and transform.
Consists of 5 simple steps which are written in the README file inside the prefab, takes approximately 1-3 minutes.
This prefab uses gesture based controls.
Point without an object will point the solver.
Fist creates an object depending on the active mode.
Point after summoning an object to point it.
Do a gun gesture while pointing a null or knife to shoot it.
Rock&Roll will do a miscellaneous action depending on the active mode.
Terms of Service:
You are allowed to use the prefab on public avatars as long as they arent pay to use, you are allowed to send this asset to people you are commissioning to make you an avatar.
You get a fully customizable, PC and Quest compatible solver that takes a minute to install and set up.